Fat Disolving Injection

Fat Disolving Injection Wakefield


Intralipotherapy refers to the fat dissolving therapy using sodium deoxycholate-based solution. The fat dissolver is injected under the skin directly into the fat layer with a special needle or cannula. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic. The solution will dissolve the fat cells, which then undergo degradation and absorption by the body over several weeks.

The solution will dissolve the fat cells, which then undergo degradation and absorption by the body over a length of 4 – 6 weeks. Therefore results can take several weeks to become visible. Two to four sessions 4-6 weeks apart are expected for best results of the fat disolving injection Wakefield

Client transformations

Two to six sessions 4-6 weeks apart are expected for best results.

Pain is normal following the procedure but generally do not limit a normal social life or physical activity.

Bruising is frequent, transitory and should be considered a normal consequence of the treatment. Compression garments post-treatment are strongly recommended to reduce bruising.

The fat disolving injection Wakefield solution will dissolve the fat cells, which then undergo degradation and absorption by the body over a length of 4 – 6 weeks. Therefore results can take several weeks to become visible. Two to four sessions 4-6 weeks apart are expected for best results.

The length of the procedure depends on the size of the area. One large area can take up to 40 mins.

This purely depends on your lifestyle. Fat cells could regenerate a few years later if you have a high-calorie intake and sedentary lifestyle.

We use Desoface and Desobody fat-dissolver which a licensed for double chin and body fat. These are the new generation of fat-dissolver.

  • Swelling, bruising and pain are extremely frequent (more than 50% of cases) and can last for days or weeks
  • Allergic reactions (<0.002%) which may require emergency treatment
  • Nodule (<0.05%) which are usually only transient and resolve as the fatty tissue is removed
  • Damage to surrounding structures (<0.05%), including muscle, nerve, blood vessels
  • Discolouration (<0.002%), usually only temporary and reduced by avoiding exposure to UV light
  • Necrosis of the skin (<0.0076%) describes the damage caused by the skin by the solution if it comes into contact with it, this can lead to tissue death, blistering, sloughing of the skin, infection and scarring.
  • Unsatisfactory results, including stubborn fat, asymmetry, irregularity, loose skin afterwards.

Compression garments are strongly recommended to enhance results and reduce swelling and bruising. They need to be tailored to the patient size and can be purchased on www.macom-medical.com

You may not be suitable for treatment if you have any of the following:

  • Pregnancy/Breastfeeding.
  • Infection/inflammation at the injection site.
  • Impaired immune system or undergoing treatment for cancer.
  • On blood thinner or immunosuppression medication.
  • Uncontrolled diabetes or other medical conditions that affect healing.
  • Previous allergic reaction to Lidocaine or Fat-dissolver.
  • Moderate or severe kidney or liver disease.
  • Excessive skin laxity.
  • Lipid disorders.
  • Children under 18 years of age.
  • Unrealistic expectations.
  • Failure to comply with treatment and aftercare.

Compression garments are strongly recommended to enhance the result and reduce swelling and bruising. Compression garments need to be tailored to the patient size to be effective. These can be purchased on www.macom-medical.com.

Appropriate clothing should be worn on the day of treatment to allow modest access to the area and not be too restrictive or cause discomfort.

It is important to avoid anti-inflammatory medications (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen or diclofenac) for at least 5 days prior to treatment unless it is prescribed for a medical indication. Similarly, avoid alcohol for 48 hours prior to treatment as this increases the risks of bruising and bleeding. Arnica may be taken 5 days prior to treatment to lessen the risk of bruising.

  • Avoid anti-inflammatories (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen or diclofenac) for pain, if necessary take paracetamol.
  • Compression garment for 7 days and 7 nights post-treatment. Needs to be tailored to patient size as too tight can cause problems and too big is ineffective. Can be purchase on macom-medical.com
  • Nodules can last up to 1 month (this is normal however if concerned or lasts more than 4 weeks contact you practitioner).
  • Bruising is frequent, you should try to avoid direct sunlight, sunbeds and heat treatments during the treatment period.
  • Necrosis of the skin (<0.0076%) describes the damage caused by the skin by the solution if it comes into contact with it, this can lead to tissue death, blistering, sloughing of the skin, infection and scarring. Get in touch immediately with your practitioner if the previous skin changes occurred.
  • Avoid applying cosmetic to the treated area for 24 hours.
  • Avoid vigorous or physically demanding activities for 4 weeks.
  • Moderate exercise, healthy diet and other lifestyle modifications are encouraged and my enhance results.
  • Avoid other cosmetic or beauty treatments in the same area for at least a week.
  • Use a high SPF sun protection after treatment and avoid sun exposure or tanning.
  • Avoid extremes of hot or cold to the area treated.
  • Gentle massage may encourage fat drainage.

If you experience any complication or unexpected signs or symptoms, it is important that you contact your practitioner immediately. Skin lesions including boils, blisters or areas of skin breakdown needs an urgent assessment.